Instantiation example of the user centric metadata model
Example of instantiation of the user centric metadata model (UCMM). First, we describe a dataset containing in-situ biological observations related to yellowfin tuna catches,...-
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User centric metadata model
The user centric metadata model aims to foster multi-disciplinary research, describing dataset of different disciplines in the same manner. It is able to favour the user...-
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Examination and description of soil profiles collected in Adjumani refugee ar...
The soil samples were taken in collaboration with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) at different soil depths in the refugee area Adjumani in...-
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Instantiation example of the user centric metadata model - REPHY network
This example of the proposed use centric metadata model is constructed using the data of Observation and Monitoring Network for Phytoplankton and Hydrology in coastal waters....-
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Raw data for: Genome-Wide Association study of non-severe malaria in two birt...
Whole-genome genotyping data for two cohorts of infants followed for malaria infections in south Benin : 525 infants from Tori-Bossito and 275 infants from Allada. Genotyping...