Bringing synergy to better data management and research in Europe
The online course ‘Bringing synergy to better data management and research in Europe’ covers four themes: Open Science and EOSC, research data management, FAIR principles, and...-
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MANTRA Research Data Management Training
MANTRA is a free, online non-assessed course with guidelines to help you understand and reflect on how to manage the digital data you collect throughout your research. It has...-
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The resource: 'Research data in context' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
The resource: 'File formats and ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
The resource: 'Data management planning' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
The resource: 'Organising data' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
The resource: 'Documentation, metadata, ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
The resource: 'Storage and security' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
The resource: 'Protecting sensitive data' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
The resource: 'Sharing, preservation, and ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
The resource: 'Data handling tutorials' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
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FAIR Data and Software: A Carpentries-based workshop at TIB, Hannover
This workshop aimed to train junior scientists in implementing the FAIR principles for research data & software management & development. Designed to help researchers...-
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The resource: 'FAIR Data and Software: A ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
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F-UJI Automated FAIR Data Assessment Tool
The F-UJI assessment is based on 16 out of 17 core FAIR object assessment metrics developed within FAIRsFAIR and each corresponding to a part or the whole of a FAIR principle....-
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Introduction to Galaxy Analyses
Galaxy is a scientific workflow, data integration, and data and analysis persistence and publishing platform that aims to make computational biology accessible to research...-
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The resource: 'From peaks to ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
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EOSC Pillar F2DS
Federated FAIR Data Space is a metadata repository that aggregates and enriches datasets from a set of multidisciplinary repositories, i.e. data sources, with the aim to...-
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FAIR data training
A collection of resources about the FAIR data principles that can be used to design and run training. Includes links to guidelines, tools, webinars or additional training...-
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Introduction to Persistent Identifiers
Presentation prepared by EUDAT covering: What are persistent identifiers? Why use persistent identifiers? Different persistent identifier systems; The HANDLE system; EPIC PID...-
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Research data management (RDM) open training materials - Zenodo community
A Zenodo community where openly accessible online training materials which can be shared and repurposed for RDM training. All contributions in any language are welcome. The...-
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Forschungsdaten.info is the German-language information portal on research data management (FDM). The site introduces research data management with practical articles. It... -
How to FAIR
A Danish website to guide researchers on making research data more FAIR. The website explains what the FAIR principles are, why they are relevant and how to make data more... -
DataONE Data Management Skillbuilding Hub
The Data Management Skillbuilding Hub is a repository for open educational resources regarding data management, meaning that it is a collection of learning resources freely... -
FREYA Knowledge Hub - the Persistent Identifier Forum
The FREYA Knowledge Hub was designed to help people understand what persistent identifiers are, why they exist, and how to use them for research. The PID Forum gives access to...-
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Practical Data Management video tutorials
The University Library of the University of California, Santa Cruz, has prepared a series of video tutorials covering several aspects of RDM and different phases of the...-
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Generalist Repository Comparison Chart
The General Repository Comparison Chart and FAIRsharing Collection is a tool researchers could use to make decisions about selecting a generic or domain agnostic repository.... -
Open Science primers - A Research Data Management Handbook
The OpenAire Open Science primers introduce different topics related to Open Science. In the RDM Handbook, different topics are covered to explain how data management is...-
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How FAIR are your data checklist
A Checklist to evaluate how FAIR your data is. Produced for use at the EUDAT summer school to discuss how FAIR the participant's research data were and what measures could be...-
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FAIR self assessment tool
The Australian Research Data Commons has published a FAIR self assessment tool to evaluate the ‘FAIRness’ of a dataset and determine how to enhance its FAIRness (where... -
CESSDA Vocabulary Service
CESSDA Vocabulary Service enables users to discover, browse, and download controlled vocabularies in a variety of languages. The service is provided by the Consortium of...-
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Persistent identifiers and data citation explained
This short knowledge clip prepared by Research Data Netherlands dives into the topic of persistent identifiers and data citation. What are persistent identifiers and what...-
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