Knowledge clip - FAIR data principles
The Data Stewards of Ghent University have created a series of knowledge clips to introduce several RDM related topics. In this video, FAIR data are introduced, wuith a closer...-
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Knowledge clip - Data Management Plans
The Data Stewards of Ghent University have created a series of knowledge clips to introduce several RDM related topics. This video introduces Data Management Plans. Why should...-
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Guide to using OneNote as a Research Notebook
The University of Glasgow has prepared a detailed guideline on how to use Microsoft OneNote as a research notebook. It guides researchers from the initial steps of accessing...-
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Electronic Research Notebook Case Study
The University of Glasgow run a work package between 2018 and 2019 to investigate the user requirements for Electronic Research Notebooks (ELNs). They organized a series of...-
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Persistent Identifiers ANDS guides
The Australian National Data Service has developed three guides about Persistent Identifiers for three different types of users. The basic guide focus on awareness level and...-
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The resource: 'Persistent identifiers: ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
The resource: 'Persistent identifiers: ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
Data repository finder
Utrecht University has created a simple decision-tree tool that helps researchers to choose a generic repository that best fits their needs. To do so, criteria such as...-
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Five steps to decide what to keep
The Digital Curation Centre has prepared a tool to guide researchers in their preservation strategy. Through a series of checklist, researchers are guided to reflect on what... -
Publishing and sharing sensitive data - Guidelines and decision tree
ANDS has published a comprehensive guide about best practice for the publication and sharing of research data (in the Australian context). The guide helps researchers with the...-
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The resource: 'Publishing and sharing ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
The resource: 'Publishing and sharing ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
Encryption guidelines
Ghent University has elaborated an encryption manual for researchers. It begins with basic information about what encryption is and when is it needed. Then, it describes...-
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Metadata tutorial
The University of North Carolina has developed a step-wise tutorial about metadata. It addresses what metadata is and why is it needed, explains the basic elements of metadata...-
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Grouping funder and journal policies
The University of Bochum groups all the funder and journal policies in a succinct page which provides links to external resources where guidelines are provided in detail.-
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Curated list of funder requirements
The University of Bristol has compiled a curated list of funders’ requirements. They have opted for a standardized checklist of requirements, which covers aspects such as...-
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Making a research project understandable - Guide for data documentation
The University of Helsinki created, upon request, a compact guide for researchers to help with research data documentation. It first introduces the basic elements of...-
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Harmonised overview of policies and regulations
The University of Bath has elaborated a page with UKRI and other major funder requirements, together with university policy requirements and national relevant legislation. For...-
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Curated list of publishers data availability requirements
Radboud University has created a spreadsheet which lists the journals (and respective publisher) where their affiliated researchers publish more frequently. For each publisher... -
RDM requirements per research phase
Ghent University summarises all the RDM requirements per funder and grouped into four categories: during proposal stage, post-award data management plan, covering data...-
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LEGO Metadata for Reproducibility
The University of Glasgow has designed a LEGO® based game for 4-24 players to teach about metadata and reproducibility. In their own words: "The game addresses issues...-
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CESSDA Train-the-Trainers Package
This Train-the-Trainers (TTT) package forms an addition to the CESSDA Data Management Expert Guide and contains different materials that trainers can use in developing and...-
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Legal instruments and agreements before collecting data
Utrecht University provides an overview of possible legal instruments and agreements that might be necessary to establish prior to data collection. The information is provided...-
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License selector tool
This Open Source tool developed by the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics of Charles University guides the user through a decision tree approach to select a license...